Saturday, 14 June 2014

Week 1

So I've been a bit slack and probably should get around to writing some more about my show reel and my progression through the course.

Week 1 - Temple Scene and Learning 3DS Max. 

The first week within 3DS Max the program was extremely foreign to me but with some tutorials and worksheets provided in class, I slowly progressed, and very slowly started to learn the short cuts and how to manipulate objects to my will! 

I started out building a car for my group project under the "Googie" Theme as well as learning about standard primitives and how to turn them into an edible poly. Using this method I learnt how to create Arrays, Extrusions, Insert, Bevel polygons to transform a shape into something a little more appealing and different.

So starting out with the Car, I started with a simple square and started manipulating it to look more like a "Googie" era car with a space sort of feel. Ultimately my knowledge and ability in 3ds Max was holding me back from unleashing a master piece!
We also built a temple scene in another class, using these same methods and introduced texturing to our polygons to make the scene more realistic and stylized.

 The whole googie theme is about a space age and alot of curves as you can see due to my lack of knowledge I was yet to acquire that style of car

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